Other Origin(s):Greek
Meaning:Fierce; Royalty; God's gift
Teondra is a beautiful feminine name of Jamaican origin. Although the meaning is a bit of a mystery, it is said to mean "fierce" or "royalty." It is derived from the Greek name Theodora which means "God's gift," and has strong roots in ancient Greek mythology. Theodora was one of the most powerful women in Byzantine history and was a 6th-century empress. She was known to be opinionated and strong and fought for women's rights. Teondra is a wonderfully lyrical version of the ancient Greek name, which can keep baby connected to their Jamaican heritage and remind them to stick up for what they believe in.

Teondra Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2002
- 11578
from 2001
In comparison to the previous year's data

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