US Popularity:3792
Meaning:Little rock; Handsome; Deer; Harmony; Noble; O child; Awakening
Alanah is a beautiful name that rolls off the tongue with its repeating ah sounds. A girl’s name, it can be traced back to the moniker Alan, with roots in Breton. Alan’s exact origins are disputed, with some thinking it signifies “little rock” or “handsome.” It has been thought to represent “deer.” Alan was also possibly the title of a Celtic deity, with the meaning “harmony.” If you look into the name’s Irish roots, you will find it may denote “noble” from the Old Irish element ail. Alternatively, it is connected to the phrase “o child” from a leanbh in Irish. Heading across the ocean, Alanah’s variant Alana can be rooted in Hawaiian, of alana, signifying “awakening.” Alanah has clearly been woven with beauty, strength, grace, virtue, and renewal as it’s journeyed through years and countries. Your little one will be so lucky to have a myriad of inspirations in the simple yet refined spelling of their name.
How Popular Is The Name Alanah?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Alanah is currently #4635 on The Bump
Girl:Alanah is currently #3084 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Alanah is currently #3792 in U.S. births
Girl:Alanah is currently #2097 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 146
from 2022
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